
8 Weeks | Winter 2023

Industrial Design | Experience Design | Illustration

Designed in Collaboration with: Drake Zahara

Professor: Jason Morris

Special thanks to the designers at Sonosite for their feedback.

Current products for chemotherapy treatment limit patients’ mobility are unergonomic, non-discrete and cumbersome.

Trends in patient preference to receive treatment at home, home-based chemotherapy being more cost-effective and advances in remote monitoring led to pursuing a design centered around patients who desired at-home treatment.

Oli seeks to improve the patient experience by utilizing a safe and secure passive infusion pump system and intuitive screen for guidance throughout treatment.

According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology:

 In the United States alone, it is estimated that roughly

650,000 cancer patients receive chemotherapy each year.

Improve quality of life.

Reduce healthcare costs.

Support treatment adherence.

Improve patient satisfaction.

Project Goals




Final Direction

Oli is the product of a collaboration with

Drake Zahara.

Please check out his work, he brought so much to realizing this project.